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A new feature will allow readers to post comments on this site. For those unfamiliar with comments on websites, this allows anyone the ability to makeRead More…
Your technology buying guide
A new feature will allow readers to post comments on this site. For those unfamiliar with comments on websites, this allows anyone the ability to makeRead More…
The Wall Street Journal (registration required) has an article explaining Microsoft’s new plans for restructuring. Microsoft has always been a favorRead More…
While Apple recently released its soon to be smash iPod Nano (a super thin and small music player that holds 1,000 songs), it also released news of thRead More…
The Economist (subscription required) dives into what it thinks is the next generation of the Internet: the Geoweb. Interestingly enough, it formalizeRead More…
Maxtor recently released a network hard drive for use in home networking. The company has marketed the device as a digital entertainment hub. The ideaRead More…
Within the last week, the recording industry has sued 754 file-swappers accused of illegally sharing music. The industry has filed over 14,000 lawsuitRead More…
Verizon Wireless uses a technology called EV-DO (evolution data only), which basically uses the existing cellphone network to distribute its Internet Read More…
Intel, the company best known for its computer processors, announced that it will be launching a program that will help cities more easily use wirelesRead More…
Amazon reported that profit more than tripled in the second quarter and was optimistic enough to raise its forecast for the year. And the sales momentRead More…
BigString is a company set on eliminating “email sender remorse” by allowing you as the email sender to control emails even after they’ve landedRead More…