WiFi in the Sky: In-Flight Internet Coming Soon
The Wall Street Journal (this article now free) has an interesting piece on the coming amenities for travelers in the sky. U.S. airlines plan to offerRead More…
Your technology buying guide
The Wall Street Journal (this article now free) has an interesting piece on the coming amenities for travelers in the sky. U.S. airlines plan to offerRead More…
I’ve always been one to root for the underdog. In this case, I picked Musicmatch five years ago and even skipped out on the iPod craze by using anotRead More…
The Wall Street Journal (this article now free) has an interesting piece on the coming amenities for travelers in the sky. U.S. airlines plan to offerRead More…
Apple’s Steve Jobs joined EMI Group CEO Eric Nicoli in London to host a press conference at EMI’s headquarters. The press had already taken rumorsRead More…
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Number (ICANN), the group in charge of setting Internet addressing guidelines, shot down a proposal toRead More…
Apple today is introducing a new offering at its iTunes store. Called “Complete My Album,” the new service allows you to purchase the remaining songs Read More…
The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) has no less than two articles out today on Internet video. The first talks of a new study that is skepRead More…
Just last week we saw reports of how the music industry was in trouble (CD music sales down by 20% compared to last year), only to be followed by thisRead More…
Last week, 40,000+ students at Purdue (including myself) received a warning email. In short, stop illegal downloads, the Recording Industry AssociatioRead More…
The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) announced that it has reached 116 settlements after going after 400 students / computer users at Read More…