Yahoo vs. Digg: Is Yahoo’s Move As Innocent As It Looks?
So Yahoo today released a Digg-like voting system as the backbone of the Yahoo Suggestion Board. Even though the Yahoo announcement credited Digg, theRead More…
Your technology buying guide
So Yahoo today released a Digg-like voting system as the backbone of the Yahoo Suggestion Board. Even though the Yahoo announcement credited Digg, theRead More…
The Center for Open and Sustainable Learning (COSL) has organized the Microlibraries Project, making over 20,000 Project Gutenberg books available aRead More…
I love Digg. I check in at least daily. I love the site, love the concept, and love that it works so well. I always enjoy it when a social network seeRead More…
Cingular, Priceline, and Travelocity agreed to pay fines of $30,000-$35,000 and investigate their method of delivery for online advertisements. While Read More…
The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) has some unidentified sources claiming that Dell will begin selling personal computers with Vista toRead More…
Microsoft is getting some bad press for offering to pay a blogger to change a supposedly inaccurate article on Wikipedia. The blogger let it out in thRead More…
So Yahoo released earnings info today, which was followed by mildly negative even if hopeful commentary. Google, of course, being cited as the major oRead More…
I’ve long been tickled pink by the success of Wikipedia. A group of amateurs gathering together to craft articles that rival the articles found in ERead More…
Briefile is a site designed around protecting your confidential data. Basically, you have to install client software on your computer as does the persRead More…
Purdue University is a Big Ten school with 40,000+ students and a fairly tech savvy campus. But due to bugs, compatibility issues, and lack of backwarRead More…