Even More Gphone News: Google in Advanced Talks with Verizon & Sprint
The latest info from our good friends those “people familiar with the matter” is that Google is in advanced talks with two U.S. cellphone operatorRead More…
Your technology buying guide
The latest info from our good friends those “people familiar with the matter” is that Google is in advanced talks with two U.S. cellphone operatorRead More…
The Wall Street Journal Reports that Microsoft has released a free update for Windows XP Media Center that allows computers with this operating systemRead More…
America Online, the owner of the Netscape browser, has announced a deal with Hewlett-Packard according to the Wall Street Journal (subscription requirRead More…
ARM is a British company best known for designing chips for cellphones and licensing them to semiconductor companies. The company’s technology is thRead More…
A ZDNet article titled “Is the Firefox honeymoon over?” claims that Firefox, the popular alternative to Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, actually Read More…
A ZDNet article titled “Is the Firefox honeymoon over?” claims that Firefox, the popular alternative to Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, actually Read More…
Microsoft has released the name for its latest operating system due out in stores by the end of 2006: Microsoft Windows Vista. A beta (test) version oRead More…
Sometimes I get it. Often I get it. This time, though, I don’t get it. About four weeks ago, I received an invitation from a friend to join her �Read More…
VIP Task Manager Professional Edition is a software package that feels like Microsoft Outlook’s task list on steroids. Task Manager is designed for Read More…
We’ve all heard of Wikipedia, and probably even played around with, or used some kind of wiki. Maybe you’ve planned a group project, or compiled iRead More…