TechConsumer Update: New Widgets Blog Window & AddThis! Plus Thanks to Sponsors

Web 2.0

It’s been a couple months since the last site update, so here’s the latest: Thanks to Wild Apricot for being such a great sponsor. If you need affordable event and website management tools for any sort of club, association, or non-profit: Wild Apricot does it all for a low monthly fee of just $12. For more details or a free trial, check it out here.

We’ve also added some new sponsors and implemented a couple cool widgets:

Check out Best Buy’s weekly sales events here, Amazon’s new movie downloads here, and Mozy’s free online backup here. So if you’re buying electronics or computers, downloading a movie, or backing up your computer, do it through clicking on the applicable graphic in the upper right section (or any of the links here), and it will help support TechConsumer. Thanks!

The latest widgets installed are the Blog Window and AddThis! button. Both are displayed at the end of every article on TechConsumer. Blog Window shows the top five most popular articles over the last seven days. It’s pretty easy to configure and is free. If you have a site you’d like to try it on, check out more details at AffiliateBrand.

The AddThis! widget is the little button at the end of each post with “Bookmark” written on it. It’s a quick and easy way to save any article you like with any of your favorite social networking site:, Digg, Reddit, Blue Dot, and tons more. For more details on how it works, just click on the bookmark button at the end of any article.

As always, we love feedback. Email us here if you have any comments or suggestions (or just leave a comment on this post).

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