Game Industry Worried: Gamers Giving It Up As They Grow Up
Mike Vorhaus is the managing director of the consulting and research firm Frank N. Magid Associates and is in charge of a fairly in-depth study of cRead More…
Your technology buying guide
Mike Vorhaus is the managing director of the consulting and research firm Frank N. Magid Associates and is in charge of a fairly in-depth study of cRead More…
The New York Times has an interesting piece outlining signs that advertising may be coming to our cellphones. The good news: guidelines have been esRead More…
So our friends at the Wall Street Journal (subscription required) are running multiple stories on Google today with reference to online video. At the Read More…
The Center for Open and Sustainable Learning (COSL) has organized the Microlibraries Project, making over 20,000 Project Gutenberg books available aRead More…
The Center for Open and Sustainable Learning (COSL) has organized the Microlibraries Project, making over 20,000 Project Gutenberg books available aRead More…
The DRM battle continues! The latest news revolves around EMI being in talks with retailers to sell music DRM-free vs. Warner Music Group’s clear “NRead More…
So all in the same week we have the following news: 1) Steve Jobs embraces a DRM-free world but says his hands are tied. 2) Amazon & Tivo joRead More…
I love Digg. I check in at least daily. I love the site, love the concept, and love that it works so well. I always enjoy it when a social network seeRead More…
When Google bought YouTube back in October for $1.65 billion, we didn’t know exactly what this meant for the founders financially. But now we know. Read More…
Wal-Mart today announced a partnership with all six major Hollywood Studios (Disney, Warner Brothers, Paramount, Sony, 20th Century Fox, and UniversRead More…