Help This Woman Catch Her Cheating Husband Using a Cellphone

Gadgets Tech Stories

I get all sorts of interesting emails being part of a site like TechConsumer, but I’ve never gotten a request like this. A woman contacted me — we’ll call her Tina — and explained how her husband is cheating on her. She knows this because she took a peek at his cellphone and saw some rather questionable text messages from his new, uh, “friend.”

So what’s she hoping to find is a way to setup his phone (obviously while he’s unaware) so that it forwards his text messages (sent, received, or both) to her cellphone or email address (without him knowing).

It’s actually a rather sad story (as can often be the case with cheating husbands, I’m sure). And while she knows of the affair from her one sneek-a-peek, he’s also more on edge than usual. Another factor at play is the fact that she basically supports him financially and would rather just get the divorce over with (if this whole affair thing is as true as it appears).

So why did she email me, you may be wondering? Well, it can be hard to move forward with a divorce over a sneek-a-peek text message. So she went hunting for technological ways to get the affair documented and came across Of course, we didn’t have what she was looking for (none of the authors here have direct experience with this specific request, though we’ve blogged a couple times about various cellphone tracking options).

Thus, with her permission and with the understanding that I would protect her anonymity as best I can, I told her I could pose the question publicly and see if I might find an answer for her. Here’s part of one of her emails:

“My husband is cheating on me and is making plans to meet with his friend. He deletes her messages to him. Is there anyway I can have his text messages forwarded to my cell phone or e-mail address without his knowing about it from his phone. He has a Motorola phone. It is with his company [Cingular]… Can you give me any advise?”

So does anyone know of a way to do this relatively easily?

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